MatrixBlock Entity Reference

A generic view onto parts of a Matrix. More...

Inherits Eigen::Block< Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::ColMajor >, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic >, and RefCounter.

List of all members.


 returns the number of cols
 modifies this matrix by the scalar matrix quotient A/s
 returns true if other and this are approx. identical
 returns true if array is constant and approx. equal s
 returns true if array is a diagonal matrix by precision s
 returns true if array is the identity matrix by precision s
 returns true if array is a lower triangular matrix by precision s
 returns true if array is a scalar
 returns true if array is a unitary matrix by precision s (is an orthonormal basis)
 returns true if array is an upper triangular matrix by precision s
 returns true if array is a vector
 returns true if array is a zero matrix by precision s
 modifies this matrix by the scalar matrix product A*s
 returns the number of rows


Detailed Description

A generic view onto parts of a Matrix.

Objects of this kind do not create a data buffer, but use the data buffer of an existing Matrix object. The object saves the indices of the part of the refered matrix object it refers to (start position and size). A matrix block may represent a view onto

Matrix blocks themeselves behave like Matrix objects. Most of the operators and some external functions are defined. You can even assign values to the block (which in turn will change the data of the referred matrix).

By using a reference counting system it is guaranteed that the refered object will not be deleted before the MatrixBlock is deleted.

Member Function Documentation

returns unary minus (B=-A)

find the largest element in the array returns the maximum element in the array

row will be modified and will contain the row position of the found value on return
col will be modified and will contain the column position of the found value on return

find the smallest element in the array returns the minimum element in the array

row will be modified and will contain the row position of the found value on return
col will be modified and will contain the column position of the found value on return

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Generated on Wed Nov 17 17:36:03 2010 for 'tmath' Module Scripting Interface by  doxygen 1.5.6