Design Unit List

Here is a list of all design unit members with links to the Entities and Packages they belong to:
MatrixStandard matrix class
MatrixBlockA generic view onto parts of a Matrix
MatrixCWiseCoefficient wise access to Matrix
MatrixEigenSymEigen decomposition of symmetric matrices
MatrixEigenUnsymEigen decomposition of unsymmetric matrices
MatrixLDLtCholesky LDL' decomposition
MatrixLLtCholesky LL' decomposition
MatrixLULU decomposition
MatrixQRQR decomposition
MatrixSVDSingular value decomposition
DynamicSparseMatrixSparse matrix class for random access
MUMPSSolver for sparse matrices using MUMPS
SparseArpackEigen analyses solver for sparse matrices based on ARPACK
SparseLLTBase class of LL' solvers. The input matrices must be selfadjoint (symmetric) It already implements the standard LL' decomposition
SparseLLTCholmodLL' solver for selfadjoint sparse matrices using CHOLMOD
SparseLowerLLTDefault LL' solver for selfadjoint lowertriangular sparse matrices
SparseLowerLLTCholmodLL' solver for selfadjoint lowertriangular sparse matrices using CHOLMOD
SparseLUBase class of LU solvers. It already implements the standard LU decomposition
SparseLUUmfPackLU solver for sparse matrices using UMFPACK
SparseMatrixThe default sparse matrix class
SparseSolverThe base class for sparse solvers. It provides a unified interface which can be used by generic algorithms
SparseSuperLULU solver for sparse matrices using SuperLU
SymSparseMatrixSymmetric sparse matrix class with selfadjoint storage

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