Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
tmath::MatrixStandard matrix class
tmath::MatrixBlockA generic view onto parts of a Matrix
tmath::MatrixCWiseCoefficient wise access to Matrix
tmath::MatrixEigenSymEigen decomposition of symmetric matrices
tmath::MatrixEigenUnsymEigen decomposition of unsymmetric matrices
tmath::MatrixLDLtCholesky LDL' decomposition
tmath::MatrixLLtCholesky LL' decomposition
tmath::MatrixLULU decomposition
tmath::MatrixQRQR decomposition
tmath::MatrixSVDSingular value decomposition
tmath::sparse::DynamicSparseMatrixSparse matrix class for random access
tmath::sparse::MUMPSSolver for sparse matrices using MUMPS
tmath::sparse::SparseArpackEigen analyses solver for sparse matrices based on ARPACK
tmath::sparse::SparseLLTBase class of LL' solvers. The input matrices must be selfadjoint (symmetric) It already implements the standard LL' decomposition
tmath::sparse::SparseLLTCholmodLL' solver for selfadjoint sparse matrices using CHOLMOD
tmath::sparse::SparseLowerLLTDefault LL' solver for selfadjoint lowertriangular sparse matrices
tmath::sparse::SparseLowerLLTCholmodLL' solver for selfadjoint lowertriangular sparse matrices using CHOLMOD
tmath::sparse::SparseLUBase class of LU solvers. It already implements the standard LU decomposition
tmath::sparse::SparseLUUmfPackLU solver for sparse matrices using UMFPACK
tmath::sparse::SparseMatrixThe default sparse matrix class
tmath::sparse::SparseSolverThe base class for sparse solvers. It provides a unified interface which can be used by generic algorithms
tmath::sparse::SparseSuperLULU solver for sparse matrices using SuperLU
tmath::sparse::SymSparseMatrixSymmetric sparse matrix class with selfadjoint storage

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