mailRe: [Galette-discussion] XAMPP sur MAC OS

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Posted by André Lefranc on December 26, 2013 - 16:18:
La procédure est fastidieuse :
pour chaque dossier  appeler "lire les informations" :
  1. changer les conditions d'accès (lecture et écriture pour tous)
  • Cela m'inquiète pour la sécurité mais je ne vois pas bien sinon comment faire

puis ouvrir le terminal et cela donne :

Last login: Thu Dec 26 10:17:22 on console
nord:~ andrelefranc$ sudo su

WARNING: Improper use of the sudo command could lead to data loss
or the deletion of important system files. Please double-check your
typing when using sudo. Type "man sudo" for more information.

To proceed, enter your password, or type Ctrl-C to abort.

Nom_ordinateur:~ Nom_utilisateur$ sudo su
sh-3.2# /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/xampp security
XAMPP:  Quick security check...
XAMPP:  Your XAMPP pages are NOT secured by a password.
XAMPP: Do you want to set a password? [yes] Y
XAMPP: Do you want to set a password? [yes] yes
XAMPP: Password: :-)
XAMPP: Password (again): :-)
XAMPP:  Password protection active. Please use 'xampp' as user name!
XAMPP:  MySQL is accessable via network.
XAMPP: Normaly that's not recommended. Do you want me to turn it off? [yes] yes
XAMPP:  Turned off.
XAMPP:  MySQL has to run before I can check the security.
XAMPP:  The MySQL/phpMyAdmin user pma has no password set!!!
XAMPP: Do you want to set a password? [yes] yes
XAMPP: Password: :-)
XAMPP: Password (again): :-)
XAMPP:  Setting new MySQL pma password.
XAMPP:  Setting phpMyAdmin's pma password to the new one.
XAMPP:  MySQL has to run before I can check the security.
XAMPP:  MySQL has no root passwort set!!!
XAMPP: Do you want to set a password? [yes] yes
XAMPP:  Write the password somewhere down to make sure you won't forget it!!!
XAMPP: Password: :-)
XAMPP: Password (again): :-)    
  Attention cela sera nécessaire pour installer galette
XAMPP:  Setting new MySQL root password.
XAMPP:  Change phpMyAdmin's authentication method.
XAMPP:  The FTP password for user 'daemon' is still set to 'xampp'.
XAMPP: Do you want to change the password? [yes] no
XAMPP:  Done.

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