synfig-studio  1.0.3
Todo List
Member studio::CanvasTreeStore::find_first_value_desc (const synfigapp::ValueDesc &value_desc, Gtk::TreeIter &iter)
confirm that the && should be done before the ||
Member studio::CanvasTreeStore::find_first_value_node (const synfig::ValueNode::Handle &value_node, Gtk::TreeIter &iter)
confirm that the && should be done before the ||
Member studio::CanvasTreeStore::find_next_value_desc (const synfigapp::ValueDesc &value_desc, Gtk::TreeIter &iter)
confirm that the && should be done before the ||
Member studio::CanvasTreeStore::find_next_value_node (const synfig::ValueNode::Handle &value_node, Gtk::TreeIter &iter)
confirm that the && should be done before the ||
Class studio::CanvasView

This needs to be documented further.

This needs to be documented further.

Member studio::CanvasView::on_delete_event (GdkEventAny *event)
This causes the window to be deleted straight away - but what if we prompt 'save?' and the user cancels?
Member studio::CanvasView::rebuild_ducks ()
This needs to be documented further.
Member studio::Dock_Children::Dock_Children ()
the combination of set_use_scrolled(false) and add(*tree_view) causes crashes when Dockable::prev_widget_ is left referencing a ChildrenTree that has already been destroyed.
Member studio::DockDialog::DockDialog ()
can we set dialog windows transient for all normal windows, not just the toolbox? paragraph 3 of suggests we can
Class studio::Duck
This needs to be documented further.
Class studio::Duckmatic::Bezier
This needs to be documented further.
Member studio::Duckmatic::grid_snap
perhaps there should be two of these flags, one for each axis?
Class studio::Duckmatic::Push
This needs to be documented further.
Member studio::Duckmatic::start_bezier_drag (const synfig::Vector &offset, float bezier_click_pos)
Class studio::Duckmatic::Stroke
This needs to be documented further.
Member studio::Instance::dialog_save_as ()
Fix big involving "Save As" with referenced compositions
Member studio::Widget_Waypoint::get_waypoint () const
This too!
Member studio::Widget_Waypoint::set_waypoint (synfig::Waypoint &x)
This really needs to be fixed to support value node waypoints!
Member synfigapp::Action::create (const synfig::String &name)
perhaps we should throw something instead?
Member synfigapp::Action::LayerDuplicate::export_dup_nodes (synfig::Layer::Handle, synfig::Canvas::Handle, int &)
do we need to implement this? and if so, shouldn't we check all canvases, not just the one at t=0s?
Member synfigapp::Action::LayerRemove::perform ()

We should really undo all prior removals before we go throwing shit around

We should really undo all prior removals before we go throwing shit around

Class synfigapp::Action::Main

This needs to be documented further.

This needs to be documented further.

Member synfigapp::Action::System::redo ()
This function is not exception safe!
Member synfigapp::Action::System::undo ()
This function is not exception safe!
Member synfigapp::BLineConverter::operator() (std::list< synfig::BLinePoint > &out, const std::list< synfig::Point > &in, const std::list< synfig::Real > &in_w)

make this configurable

is this legal? it reads off the end of the vector

Member synfigapp::CanvasInterface::refresh_current_values ()
This needs to be documented further.
Class synfigapp::Main

This needs to be documented further.

This needs to be documented further.

Member synfigapp::Main::get_user_app_directory ()
do we need something like Glib::locale_from_utf8()? (bug #1837445)