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/se3-unattended/var/se3/unattended/install/lib/ -> csv.pl (source)

   1  # This file implements a Perl class for dealing with
   2  # comma-separated-value (CSV) spreadsheets, such as those saved from
   3  # OpenOffice or Excel.
   4  #
   5  # The file is assumed to look something like this:
   6  #
   7  #   "Asset Tag","Owner","Description","Key"
   8  #   "x1000",1348,"Microsoft Windows XP","12345-ABCDE-FGHIJ-KLMNO-PQRST"
   9  #   "x1001",1348,"Microsoft Office XP","12345-ABCDE-FGHIJ-KLMNO-PQRST"
  10  #   "x1002",1348,"Adobe Acrobat 5.0","KWW505R7104502-158"
  11  #
  12  # That is, each line consists of items separated by commas.  Items may
  13  # be enclosed in double-quotes, and must be so enclosed if they
  14  # include any funny characters (like commas).
  15  #
  16  # Conceptually, the spreadsheet is a collection of records mapping
  17  # field names to field values.  The first line of the file contains
  18  # the names of the fields, while each other line provides the values
  19  # of the fields for one record.
  21  use strict;
  23  package CSV;
  24  use Carp;
  26  # Parse a single line from a CSV file and return an array of its
  27  # items.  Unlikely to be called externally.
  28  sub parse_line ($) {
  29      my ($line) = @_;
  31      my @ret;
  33      # Clobber line ending, if any.
  34      chomp $line;
  35      $line =~ s/\r\z//;
  37      # Hack to make every field start with comma delimiter
  38      $line = ",$line";
  40      while ($line ne '') {
  41          if ($line =~ /^,\"((?:\"\"|[^\"])*)\"((?:,|\z).*)/) {
  42              my ($val, $rest) = ($1, $2);
  43              # Replace double-quote with single-quote
  44              $val =~ s/\"\"/\"/g;
  45              push @ret, $val;
  46              $line = $rest;
  47          }
  48          elsif ($line =~ /^,([^,]*)((?:,|\z).*)/) {
  49              push @ret, $1;
  50              $line = $2;
  51          }
  52          else {
  53              die "Unparsable line:\n$line";
  54          }
  55      }
  57      return @ret;
  58  }
  60  # Class method.  Read a CSV file and return an object representing it.
  61  # Specifically, return a reference to an array of records, where each
  62  # record is a hash mapping field names (from the first line of the
  63  # file) to field values.
  64  sub read_file ($$) {
  65      my ($class, $filename) = @_;
  67      my $ret = [ ];
  69      open CSV_FILE, $filename
  70          or croak "Unable to open $filename for reading: $^E";
  72      # Read first line to get field names.
  73      my $first_line = <CSV_FILE>;
  74      my @field_names = parse_line ($first_line);
  76      # Check for duplicate field names.
  77      my %names;
  78      foreach my $name (@field_names) {
  79          (exists $names{$name})
  80              and die "Duplicate field name \"$name\" in $filename";
  81          $names{$name} = undef;
  82      }
  84      my $num_fields = scalar @field_names;
  85      while (my $line = <CSV_FILE>) {
  86          next if $line =~ /^\s*$/;
  87          my @fields = parse_line ($line);
  88          $num_fields == scalar @fields
  89              or die "Wrong number of items (expected $num_fields):\n$line\n ";
  90          my $record = { };
  91          foreach my $i (0 .. $num_fields - 1) {
  92              my $field_name = $field_names[$i];
  93              $record->{$field_name} = $fields[$i];
  94          }
  95          push @$ret, $record;
  96      }
  98      close CSV_FILE
  99          or croak "Unable to close $filename: $^E";
 101      bless $ret, $class;
 102      return $ret;
 103  }
 105  # Method.  Index a CSV object by one of its fields.  Take a field name
 106  # as argument, and return a hash mapping from a value to an array of
 107  # records having that value for the field.  Optional argument
 108  # "transform" is a procedure which modifies the value before placing
 109  # it in the hash.
 110  sub index_by ($;$) {
 111      my ($self, $field_name, $transform) = @_;
 113      my $ret = { };
 115      foreach my $record (@$self) {
 116          (exists $record->{$field_name})
 117              or croak "No such field $field_name; bailing";
 118          my $value = $record->{$field_name};
 119          defined $transform
 120              and $value = &$transform ($value);
 122          push @{$ret->{$value}}, $record;
 123      }
 125      return $ret;
 126  }
 128  1;

Generated: Tue Mar 17 22:47:18 2015 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1