Ironcast - Le Bottin des Jeux Linux


🗃️ Specifications

📰 Title: Ironcast 🕹️ / 🛠️ Type: Game
🗃️ Genre: Strategy 👁️ Visual: 2D
🏷️ Category: Strategy ➤ Vehicular Combat 🏝️ Perspective: Third person
🔖 Tags: Strategy; Puzzle; Tile-matching; Crafting; Mecha; Perma Death; Steampunk ⏱️ Pacing: Turn-Based
🐣️ Approx. start: 👫️ Played: Single
🐓️ Latest: 🚦 Status: 04. Released (status)
📍️ Version: Latest: - ❤️ Like it: 9. ⏳️
🏛️ License type: 💰 Commercial 🎀️ Quality: 7. ⏳️
🏛️ License: Commercial ✨️ (temporary):
🐛️ Created: 2015-04-18 🐜️ Updated: 2024-06-22

🚦 Entry status

📰 What's new?: 👔️ Already shown:
💡 Lights on: 💭️ New version published (to be updated):
🎨️ Significant improvement: 🦺️ Work in progress:
🎖️ This work: 3 stars 🚧️ Some work remains to be done:
👫️ Contrib.: goupildb & Louis 👻️ Temporary:
🎰️ ID: 14710

📖️ Summary

📜️[en]: Inspired by Victorian era science fiction writers such as H.G. Wells and Jules Verne, Ironcast is set in an exciting alternative history; a time when refined men and women in top hats and bonnets commanded gigantic walking war machines, laying waste to the enemies of the British Empire! 📜️[fr]: Un jeu mixant stratégie au tour par tour et puzzle de type Mach 3 sur un thème Steampunk, dans lequel le joueur incarne un pilote de Mecha dans une réalité alternative victorienne où Français et Anglais s'affrontent via ces machines de guerre

🎥️ Videos

🎲️ Gameplay: (202xxx♺), (202xxx♺), [fr](202xxx♺),

🕸️ Links

🏡️ Website & videos
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💰 Commercial
[Kickstarter (Funding Successful)] [Steam]

🍩️ Resources
(empty, license): [Homepage] [Dev site] 🎬️ g(202xxx)

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📚️ Name is a

📕 Description [en]

📜️ "blabla" 📜️

Inspired by Victorian era science fiction writers such as H.G. Wells and Jules Verne, Ironcast is set in an exciting alternative history; a time when refined men and women in top hats and bonnets commanded gigantic walking war machines, laying waste to the enemies of the British Empire!

Players take control of a 7 metre tall walking vehicle called an Ironcast. They must face off against an invading force of enemy Ironcast in order to defend 1880’s Victorian England.

Battles are fought by generating resource nodes which in turn drive the Ironcast’s various weapons and systems. Players must choose how to spend these nodes wisely, either offensively in order to cripple and destroy their opponents, or defensively, if they suspect a barrage of incoming weapons fire is due.

Story and Campaign

The year is 1886. France and England have been at war for over a decade, both sides commanding gigantic walking war-machines known as the Ironcast. Each towering construct bristles with advanced Victorian era weapon systems and electrical shields.

French forces cross the channel, supported by huge Naval fleets and airship bombers, landing to do battle in the burning, ruined streets of 19th century London.

Although designed for military purposes, the British army does not own the patents or designs for the Ironcast. The war-machines are instead built and operated by a private group of supremely wealthy businessmen and women, collectively known as the Consortium of Merit. Sick of the duration and bitterness of the ongoing Anglo-French war, the Consortium developed and manufactured advanced models of Ironcast in order to break the stalemate and declare a victor, once and for all.

The Consortium resisted the pleas and threats of the beleaguered British Government to hand over their designs, but instead agreed to join the war as a powerful supplementary force, on one condition; each Ironcast would remain separate from the British Military, and would be commanded by a lady or gentleman of the highest calibre. Their pilots, gunners and support crew would be chosen by the Consortium of Merit and none other.

Smartly dressed and devoid of the usual rough qualities found in fighting troops, an Ironcast commander is a whole new breed of tactical genius, eloquently directing their crew in battle from the comfort of their elaborately decorated and baroque Ironcast cockpits.

They are an elite fighting element in service to Queen Victoria and Queen Victoria alone. The newly formed Consortium of Merit has become the bulwark of England’s defence and the spearhead of their eventual offensives into France.

The campaign sees the player take the role of one of the few surviving Ironcast Commanders, the majority of which were killed by a devastating attack on the Consortium’s London based command centre. They must organise the surviving British forces into a coherent fighting force, repel the French invasion of England and finally destroy the enemy Flagship; the Tueur De Reines.

It is a desperate time for Britain and the Consortium of Merit; a time in which the player’s efforts will be greatly appreciated!


Players must match coloured nodes from a grid in order to gather energy, ammunition, repair tools and engine coolant. They must then use these resources to unleash a torrent of cannon, laser and missile fire upon the enemy in order to cripple their systems and ultimately be the last walker standing.

Powered by a mysterious energy source called Voltite, the Ironcast are supremely advanced by Victorian standards. However, such powerful war machines are not without their flaws.

Every action the player takes during battle - whether that’s firing their cannons or powering up their energy shields - generates a vast amount of heat. Players must ensure that they keep enough coolant supplied to their systems else they risk overheating and taking additional damage!

Turn-Based Strategy

The game is turn based. Players can only make three complete matches from the power grid per turn, but can activate any Mecha abilities or fire any weapon system that has the required resources without ending their turn. A match must be at least 3 nodes of the same colour, but there’s no upper limit on how many nodes are linked in a match, as long as each node is touching another.

Each ability or weapon system can be activated several times per turn, although most abilities have a “cool-down” period before they can be fired again (measured in turns).

The opponent’s systems can be targeted specifically; enemy heavily protected by strong shields? Target and disable their shield systems first. Enemy crippling your evasion systems? Take out their strongest weapon first. It’s up to the player what they target first and how they plan to win the battle!

Finally, damaged systems can be repaired by matching repair nodes. Players can spend these nodes to restore health to their disabled systems, but resources are limited and they should be careful in deciding which system to give a valuable boost.

📕 Description [fr]

Un jeu mixant stratégie au tour par tour et puzzle de type Mach 3 dans lequel le joueur incarne un pilote de Mech, par le studio Dreadbit.

Ironcast est un jeu solo mixant stratégie au tour par tour et puzzle de type Mach 3 (appairage de pions) sur un thème Steampunk, dans lequel le joueur incarne un pilote d'Ironcast - un Mecha (robot géant), dans une réalité alternative victorienne où Français et Anglais s'affrontent via ces machines de guerre. Le joueur et son adversaire informatique devront gérer 4 ressources (munitions, liquide de refroidissement, réparation et énergie) qu'ils tenteront de maintenir à niveau via le mini-jeu de type Mach 3 - introduisant une partie de l'aléa du jeu et la nécessité / stratégie d'adaptation au sort.


Inspiré par les écrivains de science-fiction de l'époque victorienne tels que H.G. Wells et Jules Verne, Ironcast se déroule dans une passionnante histoire alternative ; une époque où les hommes raffinés en chapeaux haut-de-forme et les femmes coiffées de bonnets commandent de gigantesques machines de guerre bipèdes, répandant la destruction dans les rangs des ennemis de l'Empire britannique. Prenez le contrôle d'un Ironcast, un véhicule bipède de sept mètres de haut, et affrontez l'envahisseur ennemi et ses Ironcast pour défendre l'Angleterre victorienne des années 1880.

Les batailles se déroulent en générant des nodules de ressources qui permettent à leur tour d'alimenter les diverses armes et systèmes de l'Ironcast. Vous devez choisir la meilleure manière de dépenser judicieusement ces nodules, soit offensivement afin de paralyser et détruire vos adversaires, soit défensivement si vous pensez que l'ennemi est sur le point de lancer une salve de tirs.

🕵️ Test [fr]

💡️ Commentaires généraux:
Le studio est parvenu à lever les fonds nécessaire sur le site Kickstarter, le jeu est à présent disponible à la vente.

Kickstarter est un site de sponsoring de projets permettant - en ce qui concerne les jeux, aux joueurs et aux développeurs de financer le développement de jeux sans le carcan des maisons d'édition. Les studios obtiennent le pré-financement de leur production, les joueurs bénéficient d'avantages proportionnels au montant de leur participation (tarif avantageux, personnalisations, ...) sans garantie de résultat.

Date de sortie :
Financement bouclé fin Septembre 2014 (10K$ sur Kickstarter).