dplink - PostNuke authentication module for dotProject. (c) Copyright 2005, Adam Donnison This is FREE SOFTWARE released under the GPL. This module provides full authentication control of dotProject from within the PostNuke environment, for dotProject version 2.0 and later. It also provides an alternate, HTTP authentication system. To install: 1. Copy the dplink directory and its sub-directories into your PostNuke modules directory. 2. In System Admin -> System Configuration, select 'postnuke' as the login_authentication method. 3. From PostNuke, login as an administrator and go to Modules administration. Regenerate the list and then Initialise and Activate the dplink module. 4. From administration, administer the dplink module to set the full URL to your dotproject installation. It is suggested that you include the http:// part in your URL, otherwise PostNuke may use a URL relative to its location. 5. In Blocks Administration, edit the Menu block and add a menu line that uses the URL of {dplink}. This can be named anything you like, but dotProject would seem to be useful. Usage: Provided you are logged into PostNuke, and you have access to the dotProject menu item, clicking the link will start dotProject with your PostNuke credentials. If you have not chosen Full Window in dplink admin then it will appear within the center block of your PostNuke site. If you do not have a valid login on dotProject, one will be created for you with your current postNuke login, password and full name. This new login will have the Anonymous role assigned, giving read-only access to dotProject. If you have an existing login on dotProject, it will simply update the password and full name (if necessary) and log you in with whatever permissions you already have.